

  1. JCM
    Analysis of Yes-Associated Protein-1 (YAP1) Target Gene Signature to Predict Progressive Breast Cancer
    Gomathi Venkatasubramanian, Devaki A. Kelkar, Susmita Mandal, Mohit Kumar Jolly, and Madhura Kulkarni
    Journal of Clinical Medicine
  2. Cancers
    In Silico Analysis of Ion Channels and Their Correlation with Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Breast Cancer
    K.T. Shreya Parthasarthy, Susmita Mandal, Smrita Singh, Seetaramanjaneyulu Gundimeda, Mohit Kumar Jolly, Akhilesh Pandey, and Jyoti Sharma
  3. biom
    Quantifying the Patterns of Metabolic Plasticity and Heterogeneity along the Epithelial–Hybrid–Mesenchymal Spectrum in Cancer
    Srinath Muralidharan, Sarthak Sahoo, Aryamaan Saha, Sanjay Chandran, Sauma Surva Majumdar, Susmita Mandal, Herbert Levine, and Mohit Kumar Jolly


  1. biom
    Transcriptomic-Based Quantification of the Epithelial-Hybrid-Mesenchymal Spectrum across Biological Contexts
    Susmita Mandal, Tanishq Tejaswi, Rohini Janivara, Syamanthak Srikrishnan, Pradipti Thakur, Sarthak Sahoo, Priyanka Chakraborty, Sukhwinder Singh Sohal, Herbert Levine, Jason T George, and Mohit Kumar Jolly
  2. iScience
    Semicoordinated allelic-bursting shape dynamic random monoallelic expression in pregastrulation embryos
    Hemant C. Naik, Kishore Hari, Deepshikha Chandel, Susmita Mandal, Mohit Kumar Jolly, and Srimonta Gayen
  3. JCM
    An Integrative Systems Biology Approach Identifies Molecular Signatures Associated with Gallbladder Cancer Pathogenesis
    Nabanita Roy, Mrinmoy Kshattry, Susmita Mandal, Mohit Kumar Jolly, Dhruba Kumar Bhattacharyya, and Pankaj Barah
    Journal of Clinical Medicine
  4. NAR Cancer
    A mechanistic model captures the emergence and implications of non-genetic heterogeneity and reversible drug resistance in ER+ breast cancer cells
    Sarthak Sahoo, Ashutosh Mishra, Harsimran Kaur, Kishore Hari, Srinath Muralidharan, Susmita Mandal, and Mohit Kumar Jolly
    NAR Cancer
  5. Cancers
    Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition Enhances Cancer Cell Sensitivity to Cytotoxic Effects of Cold Atmospheric Plasmas in Breast and Bladder Cancer Systems
    Peiyu Wang, Renwu Zhou, Patrick Thomas, Liqian Zhao, Rusen Zhou, Susmita Mandal, Mohit Kumar Jolly, Derek J. Richard, Bernd H.A. Rehm, Kostya Ostrikov, Xiaofeng Dai, Elizabeth D. Williams, and Erik W Thompson
  6. Comp & Sys Onco
    Investigating epithelial-mesenchymal heterogeneity of tumors and circulating tumor cells with transcriptomic analysis and biophysical modeling
    Federico Bocci, Susmita Mandal, Tanishq Tejaswi, and Mohit Kumar Jolly
    Computational and Systems Oncology


  1. Stem Cell Rep
    Single-Cell Analysis Reveals Partial Reactivation of X Chromosome instead of Chromosome-wide Dampening in Naive Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
    Susmita Mandal, Deepshikha Chandel, Harman Kaur, Sudeshna Majumdar, Maniteja Arava, and Srimonta Gayen
    Stem Cell Reports